Project Orphans

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PO Summer Intern Shares Her Experience

Amanda Furtaw, Project Orphans Summer Communications Intern 2013

To say these past few months interning with Project Orphans was amazing would be an understatement. Being a part of this wonderful organization, meeting these beautiful people with such exuberant hearts for God and for helping those in need, and to be given the opportunity to be a part of such awesome changes and developments within Project Orphans has been the biggest blessing God has ever given me.

This summer life threw me some serious curve balls.

I struggled to keep up with life in general, aside from work, this internship, and summer classes but Tiffany, Christina, and Brittany endlessly supported me and cheered me on through out it all. Working on different programs, sending emails, making calls, and posting to Project Orphans blogs and social networks was the most wonderful break away from life. I could sit back, talk to God, and focus my mind on more important things.

Every day, I was constantly reminded of those beautiful babies in Uganda and Jamaica who are living on the streets, sick, alone, and scared. And suddenly my problems seemed a hundred miles away. My heart would turn from my own selfish ache to ache for these children of God who needed my attention right at this moment.

This internship was so much more than work experience. This internship changed my life, it strengthened my relationship with God in ways I never imagined, and it completely transformed my entire outlook and strategy on life.  

Besides gaining the necessary skills and experience to continue working with non-for profits like Project Orphans after I graduate and begin my big girl life out there in the real world, I gained a much more beautiful understanding of my place in this world.

God has positioned us all in specific places for a reason. He puts us through things and brings us together so that in everything we experience we are ultimately bringing Him all the glory.

This internship was so much more than an internship for me. This experience changed my life. The people, the timing, the work, all of it was just a part of a bigger plan God had for my life and I cant express how incredibly blessed I feel that God chose to use me in these ways this summer.

If I can leave all of you Project Orphan followers with anything I would suggest you allow God to use you in both the best and most difficult points in your life. If you just allow Him to use you He will show you that you can become so much more than you ever dreamed you could be.

If any of you feel like interning with Project Orphans might be for you I really encourage you to look into it! Talk to Brittany, Tiffany, or Christina and apply for the position, because if this internship can have this kind of an impact on my life I can guarantee it will on yours as well. You will be given the opportunity to be apart of such beautiful change in the lives of orphaned children as well as change within yourself.

It saddens me to say goodbye as Project Orphans summer intern but I am leaving a changed woman, a better woman, and I can promise you I am nowhere near finished being a part of the change Project Orphans is making. This opportunity has changed my life and I will continue to support Project Orphans and do whatever I can to watch this organization provide homes of hope and a future for even more of Gods beautiful little children.